The Amazing Secretes About The Mozzarella Cheese That Everyone Should Know
The most popular kind of cheese that is consumed mostly by the united states and other western countries residents is the Mozzarella cheese. This is because of the delicious nature of these cheese. Also one can enjoy this cheese in so many forms and some examples of the forms of the Mozzarella cheese are the pizza form, the stick form and the salad form. This cheese is a magic cheese which is white in color that most people didn’t know a lot about. But with time, people started knowing more about the Mozzarella cheese. But most people don’t know that this cheese has its own hidden secrets. one can get a number of hidden secrets about the Mozzarella cheese from this article.
Mozzarella cheese is the kind of cheese that was originally made out of the buffalo milk. Though, the cow milk is the type of milk that is used to make the Mozzarella cheese these days. But when people started making it, the milk that was available was the ones from the wild mammals. Another reason why buffalo milk was used instead of cow milk is that buffalo milk was very high in protein and fat content. Buffalo milk cold make cheese that was twice the size of cheese that is made out of the same amount of cow milk.
Mozzarella cheese is the cheese that will never be fat-free. Though one can easily request for fat-free Mozzarella cheese and get it. The type of milk that is supposed to make the Mozzarella cheese is the whole milk. The real dedicated makers of Mozzarella cheese will never think of making a Mozzarella cheese using the low-fat milk which means that the low-fat Mozzarella cheese is never a real Mozzarella cheese. The content of calories in Mozzarella cheese is lower than other cheeses. One will get only 300 calories from 100 grams of Mozzarella cheese while the same grams of other cheeses gives an individual 400 calories. The carbohydrate content of these cheese is lower too. This makes it the best to include in weight loss diet.
Another thing that most people dint now about the Mozzarella cheese is that this a protected cheese. This is a cheese that is a tradition to the people who first invented it. One can know a real Mozzarella cheese by checking for the STG emblem which is used for approval of the real traditional Mozzarella cheese. All the original ingredients of making Mozzarella cheese must be included for the Mozzarella cheese to be approved as this recipe shows Hence the Mozzarella cheese that has not been made out of the required ingredients is not considered to be real hence it is not approved.