26. May 2019 · Comments Off on What Do You Know About · Categories: Internet Services

Popular Practices That Most Businesses Take Part Which Makes Them Vulnerable to Cyber Insecurity
Cybersecurity is one of the trending subjects that every business today must understand and have ways of protecting itself from its effects as well especially in this era when technology is constantly advancing. There is no need to fall victim of what most businesses do by trying to get by with the outdated security systems only to, later on, realize how ineffective one’s security is when it is already too late and the business has a security breach in place already. This article outline some things that business owners should do or avoid to stay safe when they are online.

One of the biggest and yet most popular pitfalls that make most businesses victims of cyber insecurity is not updating their antivirus which mostly happens when one keeps postponing the tasks over and over again until they eventually forget about it. Risky as it is for every modern business, everyone has been there once or twice and keep postponing the antivirus update all because they do not feel like restarting the computer or are too busy as well. Even though the one moment may not seem like such a big deal, failing to update the system may lead to serious security breaches and every time one misses an update, they make their system more and more outdated. It is vital to always update the antivirus in an organization as it has been proven to solve some of the problems that a company may be going through which enhances performance in the business in the long run. The antivirus should however never be used as the only way of protecting the company from cyber-attacks as it cannot offer adequate security for the same. It is true that antivirus offers a very little amount of protection which explains why it should only be used as a stepping stone in one’s arsenal against cyber-attacks.

Another problem that exposes so many businesses to cyber insecurity is the use of weak and simple passwords which are a very crucial way of protecting data today. Other ways in which one makes themselves vulnerable to cyber attacks in addition to the use of weak passwords include taking too long to change the same as well as not keeping the private and confidential. Every business needs to be sharp since hackers are always becoming sharper and sharper with each passing day which explains why they hack very long and complicated passwords within a very short time. Some of the tips to use when it comes to setting and changing passwords include updating them after every three months, avoiding the use of email and default passwords as well as using multiple words and passphrases in addition to using the ones that do not make sense and different ones on every system.

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