26. May 2019 · Comments Off on Lessons Learned from Years with · Categories: Employment

What You Need to Know About Asbestos

People who are working or has an experience in construction industry must have heard about asbestos and its possible dangers.

This is just a common knowledge but not all of them has the clear understanding why. People must know the reason why this has to be avoided and what dangers it can bring.

In this article, you will learn the reason why you should stay away from asbestos. With the right concept on its dangers, then you will know better how to protect yourself and your family.

Before we begin on how it can badly affect people, it is good to learn first what is asbestos.

Asbestos is made from minerals. However, its texture is relatively fluffy. With its natural properties, people in the 1990s are using this as a good insulation material.

When construction companies have heard of it, they used the material in the different projects they had. Companies had made huge profits by using the material.

Not only that, they have found out that other materials like concrete, paper and plastic can turn out to be stronger once mixed with asbestos. With this, they have come up with a more effective material that can make a better and stronger building.

It is important to understand that this has multiple types and strands but with similar uses and effects. The US law recognizes six types of asbestos.

But why asbestos can be dangerous? Actually, its natural state doesn’t make it dangerous but its invisible and tiny fibers. The said fibers can’t be touched, tasted or even smelled. So, as they can travel easily through air, a person may inhale it without even realizing it.

What makes it even more dangerous is that the side effect can only be seen from 40-50 years. So, not having in contact with the material for several years isn’t a guarantee that you are already safe.

With the dangers it can give to your health, it is very important that you hire professional services to remove asbestos contamination in your building.

As the tiny fibers will be inhaled, they will build up in your lungs that can sure do harm to your health. Once they build up, then it can block the airways. A person affected can feel difficulty in breathing.

Other conditions that are caused by asbestos include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asbestosis, and pleuritis.

With these information above, you already know how asbestos can be dangerous to your health. So, better avoid this material to stay away from its side effects.

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